Royal Military Police

Police department Royal Military Police, Aldershot GU11 2DN, United Kingdom: 1 review of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Royal Military Police
Rate: 5.0
Address: Aldershot GU11 2DN, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1252 787480

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.2605606
Longitude: -0.7576428

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Dana F
Solid and robust British Army Royal Military Police Officers which helped me by exposing Metropolitan Police Service who covered up for series of attempted murders on myself - Sebastian Mariusz Goszczyński. I was experimented on in Human Experimentation Project in years 2007 -202. There had been series of military terrorists conducted modern unconventional warfare attempted murders including ai assassination with use of sentient world simulation just as much as regular civilian use of firearms and knives. I was under and still recently experienced disruption at a level of military terrorists technology and military class ai disruption of my military class augmentation at level hypothetically experimental as much as for protection the unconventional ai body armour of a class unknown - somewhat in light. I am not a military. I never served in the army. I am registered severely mentally disabled to cover up for me telling truth and seeking support and justice. Metropolitan Police Service and NHS Psychistry is straight in everyone eyes telling untruth that I am mentally ill and there was no experimentation on human and there was no series of attempted murders. RMP referred the matter back to civilian police and recommended MI5 is investigating my case and protecting me. It is a problem as I am still classed as inappropriate adult with severe mental health disability in community mental health team NHS Psychiatry Duty of Care where all is done about me without I am under such severe disruption that still I am under enforcement to suicide and there recently were shots fired at me and there was lots of abusive behaviour that lets say I don’t understand and am confused about why? Who decides that? If case was referred to MI5 who is very ill when it comes to supporting me now and my calls have not met Support at efficient level. MI5 in the past problem to me being very efficient if they really want to... so did Royal Military Police proven even better reaction to almost all my email reports not so well responding to phone calls. RMP had proven to nit be corrupted like civilian police. There is political block to setting mr free and I believe there might be strong British political block to uncovered by RMP truth in what I say and significant support they offered when investigating my case and my reports. I hope for British Support too as I C am nor enemy but got badly victimised in painful uncomfortable and Abu abusive... also intimately medical procedures s as no treatment in human experimentation project and attempted murders. Elite Commando STORM of Poland ????????????????I am Polish man of 42 living in London UK ???????? since 2004 protected my life countless times together with Elite Commando of USA DELTA FORCE ????????Also SAS had stood up for me... even though they said they are - SAS - politically blocked from supporting me. I am not an enemy. I don’t even have a criminal record. There had been rumours being spread that I am bad man and Mr. Robot ???? I am human.. ok? I have unconventional ai body armour of class unknown for protection. MetPolice need to admit to covering up for series of attempted murders and targeting..... Please pray for me. I am a good Christian. May the blood ???? of Jesus Christ touch me and permeate my body and touch each item in my home and bless my home ???? for I break the yoke of witchcraft from among my dearest and nearest from all witchcraft of whatever negative link and connections and vintage as well as modern intelligence sorcery and black magic... with the Blood of Jesus I break the yoke of witchcraft from among my nearest and dearest.... May The Blood ???? of Jesus Christ save us from ailment and illness as well as deceitful spiteful wrongdoers doing and false reasoning spells... May we all unite - our nearest and dearest Family and Friends to that purpose of prayer for God’s Justice and us children ???? of God Jahwe being having life of dream to our Holy God Lord our Father. Please pray with me ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
4 months ago

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