Field Street Surgery

Public medical center Field Street Surgery, 18 Field St, Shepshed, Loughborough LE12 9AL, United Kingdom: 4 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Field Street Surgery
Rate: 3.0
Address: 18 Field St, Shepshed, Loughborough LE12 9AL, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1509 601201

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 52.7712798
Longitude: -1.2920542

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Xia Reyes
The phoning for an appointment system is odd as you call and either is engaged or says the surgery is closed but if you keep hanging up and calling back right away you get through, I've never been doing this for more than ten minutes before getting through and they've always had an appointment on the day. The doctor is amazing.... Literally the best I've ever seen. Very compassionate, knowledge and genuinely cares. Takes the time to listen, discuss things through, explain things and actually help you!!!!
4 weeks ago
David Riley
Trying to get an appointment here is almost impossible. You have to phone at exactly 8.30am and if you are lucky enough to get through you may get an appointment. Then again you may not and usually it's not. The online appointment system is just as bad. There are never any appointments available and if there are it's over a week away. Useless! Your very last option is to physically go there at 8.30am and stand outside in the wind and rain and when they finally let you in you may get an appointment. This is a shocking service. When I called for an appointment and they didn't have one the receptionist suggested I come in the following morning to make an appointment. I pointed out to her that I was in terrible pain so there was now way I could stand outside. I would most likely have passed out. Shocking shocking service.
2 months ago
Josh Pierce
Excellent surgery caring staff
4 months ago
Joe Pierce
After sending a prescription for some eye drops on the 27th December 2018, I am still currently waiting from the pharmacy to collect the prescription. This is after waiting 2 weeks, and have been into the pharmacy twice already to find out that they're still not ready yet!
3 months ago

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