Accountants Millionaires’ Club

Corporate office Accountants Millionaires’ Club, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom: 7 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Accountants Millionaires’ Club
Rate: 5.0
Address: International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1234 480123

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.5170240
Longitude: -0.1047956

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Rickey Towery
An organisation run but a team of Business Development specialists. I was so surprised to see that as a business owner I was seriously neglecting a huge number of areas critical to the growth of my business. Ashley gave me quite a bit of time before I signed on with the AMC and I now see which clients are the truly valuable ones. Not only that but I can quantify the value of the less valuable clients. It is a great safe space for professionals to network together and assist each other in growing a practice to hit that million mark. 5 Stars! ...and I have only been with them for 2 or 3 months!
7 months ago
Eric DiLorenzo
By far the best business development experts for accountants I have ever come across. The help and support they give is second to none and they have been a useful resource during COVID-19 not only for their insightfule knowledge on how to run a successful accountancy practice but also for their wellbeing support they give through this pandemic. This organisation is a must for any serious accountant who want to build an exception accounting business. Their daily Power Up calls have been a very welcome resource and something that starts my day in the right direction.
3 months ago
Lee R
Have received great support and advice from all the team at AMC, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Membership includes access to an incredible number of resources and contact with other professionals and the opportunity to receive and provide support.
7 months ago
Raj Dom
The support from the Team at AMC has been excellent especially during this Covid-19 outbreak. Being linked to so many like minded accountants and sharing our experiences has been invaluable. The documentation that we have received has been first class and easy to distribute as our own work. Constant support from the team to keep us motivated as we then try to keep our clients motivated as well.
2 months ago
Nigward Edits
Heather and the team have been enormously helpful in guiding me to grow and develop Evans & Partners. They support the team too, providing training and development, and access to a peer network. Highly recommend.
5 months ago
Kimberly Barnes
I joined the AMC just over a year ago. Heather and her team have a phenomenal amount of accountancy sector knowledge that they are bursting to share with forward thinking practices. I would recommend anyone wanting to take their accountancy practice to the next letter to contact Heather's team, as with their help you will get their much more quickly and with less bumps along the road. What I especially like about this programme is that they provide you with blue-chip level consultancy advice, not well-meaning but pointless cheer leading coaching from the sidelines, which means you don't have to reinvent the wheel and are able to benefit immediately from best practice in the industry.
1 month ago
melissa mckinney
I first met Heather and Ashley at an event ran by Practice Ignition and I’ll be honest I had reservations before attending as with the investment needed financially together with the plans that we already had in place; was the Accountant Millionaire’s Club (AMC) right for me? Well it didn’t take me long to realise how much I needed this and I verbally committed on the day. I had once been on a coaching programme with phenomenal results but never once so specifically aimed at accountants and having listened to what was being said; challenged where I thought challenge was justified, I just felt they understood where I was at and where I wanted to be. I also acknowledged that yes I might; and I stress the word ‘might’ have made similar progress on my own it would have taken significantly longer. Having now been in the programme for just over a month; it feels like longer, and having worked so closely alongside Ashley, I strongly doubt that I would have made this amount of progress. The amount of resources, assistance and advice has been nothing short of mind-blowing and even after this short space of time we have; in the last seven days alone: 1. Attracted a client who have committed to fee just shy of £500 per month that we would have historically charged £200 per month 2. Have refined our internal processes; this has been happening since the start of the programme, to deliver a much better value added proposition for this same client in less time than it previously took us to look after similar clients at £200 per month 3. Have proposals out there that would more than double our clients paying over £300 per month including one where; subject to acceptance, would be in excess of £1,000 per month These words don’t go far enough to demonstrate the value the programme has added to our business and if I was you I wouldn’t dare not join as other accountants have the same resources as me who have joined and together we are all growing stronger, quicker and you cannot afford to be left behind. It's your choice, I made mine.
7 months ago

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