BT Radio Mast

Corporate office BT Radio Mast, Swinley Forest House, Swinley Forest, Bodens Ride, Winkfield Row, Ascot SL5 9LE, United Kingdom: 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
BT Radio Mast
Rate: 3.0
Address: Swinley Forest House, Swinley Forest, Bodens Ride, Winkfield Row, Ascot SL5 9LE, United Kingdom

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.3567685
Longitude: -0.7228339

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Caleb Kala
For some reason, google keeps nagging me to post a "review" of this landmark! It is not somewhere you can visit. There is a big steel latticework tower covered in radio transmitters and microwave dishes. There is a high fence all around with lots of barbed wire. I guess there might be some strange sort of trainspotter nerd who would find it interesting, but for any normal person, this is just a landmark on the horizon
3 months ago
Elena Myko
Very eerie place. Appears like a deserted secret facility in the middle of the forest.
3 months ago

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