MF Performance Coaching

Personal trainer MF Performance Coaching, Buzz Gym, 100 King's Rd, Reading RG1 3BY, United Kingdom: 10 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
MF Performance Coaching
Rate: 5.0
Address: Buzz Gym, 100 King's Rd, Reading RG1 3BY, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 7748 493146

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.4547104
Longitude: -0.9641956

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Jill Ludvicek
A 'coach' in the true sense of the word, Martin offers a holistic style of coaching that's tailored to your personal needs. He looks at factors including your level and range of activity, mobility, breathing, sleep, injuries, nutrition, posture and stress levels. Martin is professional and he's driven to help you achieve. His knowledge and passion for his work is clear from day one.
3 months ago
Adriana Canto
A very educated and informed coach, Martin helped me prepare for British Bench Press Nationals. He helped me rehab a pec injury, make weight for competition and win nationals! Kind and attentive, Martin goes above and beyond, always ready to listen and help, he cares about both the mental and physical health of his clients. For anyone with a lingering injury or just sport goals they don't know how to achieve alone, I'd fully recommend working with Martin.
7 months ago
Dora Nobi
Martin shares his knowledge with you so at all times you know exactly why you are doing what he’s asking you to do. He has a lot of patience and is able to show how to both regress and progress a movement based on your own abilities. Since working with Martin, I have noticed a considerable improvement with the way my body works and no longer suffer with continuous injuries.
10 months ago
Teresa Miller
My sessions with Martin are always challenging, informative, achievable, yet fun. Martin always takes time to talk through why we are doing something, he is definitely a wealth of knowledge. I've learnt a lot through our PT sessions, so much so that I feel confident to put them into practice by myself, when at first I really didn't have a clue. I would without a doubt recommend Martin Fenn as a coach.
10 months ago
Damien Earl
Martin has helped me recover from a bad skiing accident which left me virtually unable to lean over to clean my teeth. That was three years ago, and since then, with his help, I have moved from recovery to general strengthening and conditioning work...with the aim of being able to still ski in 25yrs time when Im 80..He has a depth of knowledge, which he applies in a measured and thorough way. This has helped me to become far more aware of my general health and nutrition. He has the ability to help those who have not been to a gym for years (such as me) to those wanting to compete at the highest levels in all areas, and I have no hesitation in recommending him
10 months ago
Jonathan Jacobs
I started working with Martin a year ago, with the main focus around rehab, as I have been suffering from chronic back and shoulder problems. I was really impressed by the amount of progress we could make within just the first few sessions, and the very detailed customized plan he prepared for me. Throughout the months of training not only my mobility and stability improved significantly, but I also learnt a lot about muscle control, and the human body. Each session with Martin is really valuable, and I am always very impressed by the breadth and depth of his knowledge, his attention to detail, and how effective his customized exercises are. I strongly recommend Martin to anyone who is looking for PT, especially if you have a posture problem!
10 months ago
Keith Johnson
Martin thank you for helping me perfect my kettle bell swing online. Really appreciate this and your professionalism ????????????????
7 months ago
Larry Johnson
Martin is an excellent performance coach. His passion for his craft is unparalleled and I have seen great results in the time we have been working together. It is clear to me that he finds coaching extremely rewarding and his versatility and enthusiasm in his field extends to posture correction, nutrition and muscular development. He will inspire and help you to realise your goals.
8 months ago
Having trained for 6+ years I felt I had a good grasp of my body and what worked. However once working with Martin he very quickly identified my weaknesses and imbalances that I had built up over the years which led to chronic pain. Within weeks of working with Martin he had got me to strengthen up those areas which I did not even know were an issue and would have continued to neglect. Martin always seems to be learning new things (things I didn't even know existed). Choosing him as a personal trainer has proven to be great! His wealth of knowledge really can help anyone regardless of their goals. I can't recommend Martin enough!
10 months ago
pretty things
Martin is really nice, he supports and understands you whichever goal you have! Really professional, he’s always there to listen to you when you need and to explain you what and why you are doing some of the exercises/rehab
8 months ago

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