British Library

Library British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby LS23 7BQ, United Kingdom: 5 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
British Library
Rate: 5.0
Address: Boston Spa, Wetherby LS23 7BQ, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1937 546000

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 53.9200708
Longitude: -1.3213481

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Cori DiLoreto
Access to the National Newspaper collection in the reading room, without having to travel to London
7 months ago
kaviya shakthi
The reading rooms are a great service and everyone was very helpfu
6 months ago
Steve Ajnoha
I must like visiting libraries. There are some things to bear in mind. The first one is that the initial visit is a pain because you can't borrow books until you are a member but need to be present before you become one - coming from 100 miles north to visit to just get a card was a bit of a pain. You also need to sign in and ask for a token (or you don't get a locker token without which you will find using the locker impossible). You also need to press buttons to enter and exit the library. The biggest problem is noise - people having long conversations in less than hushed tones with the librarians. But getting the books is great and the room is pleasant. I haven't worked out if you can use the restaurant but I haven't asked. It is a pain driving there and a pain getting back but when there I find I work very effectively.
6 months ago
Roger Freitez
Very nice
2 months ago
Dan Ryan
Wonderful British library!!
3 months ago

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