Orthopedic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Fahri Erdogan | Knee and Hip Prosthesis Specialist - PRP

Orthopedic surgeon Orthopedic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Fahri Erdogan | Knee and Hip Prosthesis Specialist - PRP, Fawley Rd, London NW6 1SP, United Kingdom: 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Orthopedic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Fahri Erdogan | Knee and Hip Prosthesis Specialist - PRP
Rate: 5.0
Address: Fawley Rd, London NW6 1SP, United Kingdom
Website: fahrierdogan.org
Phone number: +90 531 634 32 60

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.5491383
Longitude: -0.1883658

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Julia Chandler
Dear Dr. Fahri, with your help I am living a life that I am not afraid to walk anymore. I wasn’t able to go anywhere because of my knee pain in the past, and now I don’t want to stay at home at all. I pray to God for your best, so glad I chose you. I was so afraid to have a surgery until I met Dr. Fahri. His confidence and experience made me choose him, and now after 4 months of the surgery I am welcoming a new, fun life. Don’t be afraid from surgery my friends, just make sure you choose an expert surgeon. Much love and respect!
3 months ago
David Boilard
He is a very successful orthopedic doctor. Congratulations.
3 months ago

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