Moore Landscape Design

Landscape designer Moore Landscape Design, : 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Moore Landscape Design
Rate: 5.0
Phone number: +44 7415 004674

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.5286416
Longitude: -0.1016182

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Cynthia Hall
Having previously had a bad experience with a landscape designer I was hesitant to try someone new, but Laura calmed my nerves immediately, she was unflappable and got the job done so incredibly efficiently, my garden is a heavenly oasis now and I just can't wait to show it off to friends and family in the summer when the plants have really settled in. A side note, Lauras team were particularly courteous, Harry and Tom worked hard and fast and maintained social distancing at all times.
2 months ago
Eddie Villarreal
Laura was simply the best for my garden re-design...coming up with some brilliant planting and landscaping ideas, and then sourcing the plants and getting stuck in with a trowel. Can't wait to spend the summer in the garden!
2 months ago

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