The console expert

Electronics store The console expert, Nottingham NG1 3DR, United Kingdom: 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
The console expert
Rate: 1.5
Address: Nottingham NG1 3DR, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 845 875 1264

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 52.9543443
Longitude: -1.1480465

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Nathalie Pacheco
Be aware that the phone number displayed is a premium rate number and you'll be charged significantly for ringing it. The advice given seemed mildly helpful but I was unable to take my console in because of coronavirus so can't speak as to their repair quality (and am left somewhat suspicious)
2 months ago
Bill Casale
Just left with a phone charge for £5 after staying on hold on their line for about 10 minutes. Hung up in the end. They do that "you are number xx in the queue announcement but it just didn't move". My fault - should have check what 0845 means.
10 months ago

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