Agile In Audit

Business development service Agile In Audit, : 3 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Agile In Audit
Rate: 5.0
Phone number: +44 20 8638 6281

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.5169528
Longitude: -0.1047065

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Audrey Summer
I contacted Andy when we started looking at transforming the internal audit department I work at to agile. We met at one of the Agile in Audit Meetups in London and Andy helped out with our many doubts during our design phase. Both Andy and Derek have supported us a couple of times with issues we faced during implementation and possess great knowledge about Agile in Audit. They are fantastic and very motivating agile coaches and agile experts!
3 months ago
JWT Chef
I contacted Andy from Agile In Audit in the context of my master's thesis, for which I conducted a study including interviews and a quantitative survey on the topic of Agile Auditing. Not only was he more than helpful by supporting me to spread the survey to as many auditors as possible, he also agreed to be available as an interview partner. The insights and experiences he shared with me really do help me with my thesis. As someone who works in an IT audit department for a few years now, knows the audit processes well and learned a lot about Agile Auditing in the last few months, I can honestly say that the guys from Agile In Audit know what they are talking about.
4 months ago
Linda Suarez
I’ve attended AIA’s Scrum Fundamentals course and worked with both Andy and Derek on some agile conferences. Their agile coaching and experience in the industry is eye-opening. It’s great to see a genuine interest in making audit more agile. Keep it up!
4 weeks ago

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