East Midlands Clinical Canine Massage

Massage therapist East Midlands Clinical Canine Massage, : 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
East Midlands Clinical Canine Massage
Rate: 5.0
Website: emccm.co.uk
Phone number: +44 7418 082240

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 52.9350406
Longitude: -1.1205301

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Chanda Sreeraj
I would highly recommend Lisa, Cassie suffers from hip dysplasia on both sides and after every massage at Lisa's she seems so much happier and moves so much easier. One weekend Cassie was really hurting and Lisa made time to see her and a different dog walked out of the room to me. Lisa is always available for advice and asks after Cassie regularly not just after an appointment.
9 months ago
Brian B
Highly recommend EMCCM. Lisa has been looking after two of my dogs now and the improvements in them are staggering. I recently started bringing my shetland sheepdog to Lisa because one of her legs was making a clunking sound as she walked and the vet was flummoxed. Lisa soon found that she’s been in pain with her back and the offending leg - something we wouldn’t have known if the clunking hadn’t started. After two treatments, Saffy is running around like a puppy (not bad for a 12 year old!) and is certainly a lot more affectionate. She’s also returned to Hoopers training and is just bursting with enthusiasm. Thank you Lisa so much.
11 months ago

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