Telephone Box

Cell phone accessory store Telephone Box, 33 James St, London WC2E 8PA, United Kingdom: 1 review of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Telephone Box
Rate: 3.0
Address: 33 James St, London WC2E 8PA, United Kingdom

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 51.5122962
Longitude: -0.1232235

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Terence McGinnis
You want to be Humphrey Bogart. Make some life changing calls under the crescent moon? Hot box a phone box like a G from the late 19th century perhaps? Your prerogative, not mine, and you’ll upset the local constabulary to boot. Rinse your twenty deck o’ Bensons and your otherwise obsolete coinage. All at the pleasure of a telephone that offers a worse than evens chance of clear connection. Why not rather, on the say-so of Alanis Morissette; just keep one phone in your pocket, and another one for your business line? That sage wisdom will save you the need to make use of the deteriorating functions of this booth. But please... by all means... let it feature in your instagrammaticals. God knows, we must yet remain swag.
3 weeks ago

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