The Natural Linen Cupboard

Bedding store The Natural Linen Cupboard, : 2 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
The Natural Linen Cupboard
Rate: 3.0
Phone number: +44 1273 470870

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 47.7087419
Longitude: 12.6335538

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Vance Mueller
My wool pillows purchased from the natural linen cupboard turned yellow very quickly. I bought the pillows after being told by the sales assistant that wool pillows don't turn yellow It's not true.
4 months ago
gary newcomb
So happy to receive my Natural Linen bedding today:) Made of Merino Wool - it breathes, and is so comfy and warm.... no more having to through the duvet off in the night because I'm too hot - the wool regulates the heat and therefore encourages a more restful sleep! I'm delighted = the pillow is great and very supportive of my neck. All round excellent quality products!
4 weeks ago

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