Queens Park Primary School

Primary school Queens Park Primary School, Park St, Brighton BN2 0BN, United Kingdom: 4 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Queens Park Primary School
Rate: 3.8
Address: Park St, Brighton BN2 0BN, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1273 686822

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 50.8227708
Longitude: -0.1269549

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Karina G
This is a lovely school. The staff are caring and friendly. My kids have done so much such as trips clubs and events. I thoroughly recommend it to everyone. It has some space in my kids class as kids moving out of expensive brighton. So get in there now while you can.
3 months ago
Jeremy Farmer
Nursery was fantastic until the head and governors shut it down. The rest of the school lacks leadership and teachers are leaving in droves Such a shame as it could be a great school.
9 months ago
Rob Quartermain
this nursary is exerlant i would hightly recomend it to anyone that is looking for a nursary for there child at the moment and i know they have spaces the staff are amazing they have help my son so much.
5 months ago
John Cofer
I like it the staff are quite friendly
4 months ago

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