Academics - Halifax

Recruiter Academics - Halifax, G Mill, Suite G432, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX, United Kingdom: 1 review of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Academics - Halifax
Rate: 5.0
Address: G Mill, Suite G432, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 845 078 0250

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 53.7275862
Longitude: -1.8635163

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Elaine Hedstrom
In January 2020, I signed up with Academics, I have never worked for an agency before, so it was a bit daunting. But right from the start the company was amazing! In particular Matt was really efficient, kind, helpful and took into account what I was looking for, and he did not just offer me anything, which I appreciated very much! I was actually moving from London to Huddersfield, but the company was so efficient that I was able to sign up with their London branch, so by the time I arrived in Huddersfield I was ready to work! and was offered work by the end of my first week in Huddersfield. So a big thank you to Matt and all the team at Academics in Halifax and London!
9 months ago

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