Derbyshire Constabulary

Police station Derbyshire Constabulary, DE6 1BX, Park Rd, Ashbourne DE6 1FN, United Kingdom: 14 reviews of visitors, the most complete information about the address, business hours, location on the map, photos, phone number, website and other contacts.
Derbyshire Constabulary
Rate: 1.3
Address: DE6 1BX, Park Rd, Ashbourne DE6 1FN, United Kingdom
Phone number: +44 1773 730215

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 53.0161680
Longitude: -1.7294357

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Dorothy Koch
Hardly any police presence in Ashbourne but we still have to pay towards the police through our council tax!
3 months ago
Nicholas Chaffee
Just wanted to leave this bad review here due to the national coverage of their harassment of innocent people going for socially distanced walks. The police in Derbyshire want people to mix in parks and on their streets, which is in violation of covid regulations. Going 5 mins from your house for space and quiet to be safe is an abomination to them.
6 months ago
James Metsopulos
If a coffee is a picnic, is a can of Coke and a bag of crisps a banquet? What is the fine for that?
5 months ago
Mary Oliva
Petty tyrants who were humiliated when they tried to fine two innocent people for taking a LAWFUL socially distanced walk by a local reservoir.
5 months ago
Ju Contreras
I just wanted to leave 1 star because they are unable to protect the public from violence and corruption and in fact worked very hard to smother the evidence. THIS MEANS WE DONT TRUST YOU!
10 months ago
leslie entwistle
I just wanted to leave these guys a 5 star review after someone back into my car and drove off luckily I got his reg but my insurance company just didn't even want to know because I didn't have the other persons details, so if it wasn't for these guys id of basically had to stand the cost of the repairs myself. Thanks again guys much appreciated
2 months ago
Ivan Gamero
I would say that going out for a walk and getting exercise, absolutely is essential and poses no risk to anyone, especially when said people were maintaining a very good social distance. Your drone shaming is ridiculous.
2 months ago
Damaris Rosario
Look on crimebodge YouTube.
6 months ago
Sadie Cunningham
Shameful passive aggression by the police. Far worse than implementing clear laws.
3 weeks ago
Flavio Costa
Waste of time and space
6 months ago
Geo Sera
I was assaulted by P C Dean Humpstone in my own home. The attack took place when he was called in as back up to deal with me when I was told I had to go to Buxton the next day. I couldn't go at that time as I had a dentist's appointment. The attack only stopped when I managed to tell him I was on medication for a heart condition and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The situation arose out of a gang of Eastern Europeans parking on my drive while they held a conversation. My house is 40 metres from the road up a very steep drive so there was obviously an ulterior motive for being there. Because I told them to leave my property they then invented an assault involving my late husband who was nowhere near the house. This whole incident was very distressing and I would never trust Derbyshire Police again.
3 weeks ago
Rod Davis
too slow to catch burglar
3 weeks ago
Marcie Hawk
Sent an innocent man in jail for 2 years.
3 weeks ago
melanie bleisch
Just pathetic.
9 months ago

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